santos mattos avenue
Amadora, Lisboa | Portugal
public space
Câmara Municipal da Amadora
2009 – 2011
Partners: Espaço & Desenvolvimento
The City Hall of Amadora is promoting a profound renewal of the city center. The Espaço & Desenvolvimento company global study will be tested at Avenida Santos Mattos, in a creative project and implementation of Falanstério atelier with sustainable proposals and promoters of urban living.
From the brand “Av. Mattos Santos ” it was created a strong, coherent and unifying avenue, such as a shopping center uncovered. A single flap for advertising support, improved lighting and new flooring showcases storefronts reinforce the character of “public space for leisure and commerce.”
The facades of buildings housing the floors shall be recovered and improved, with new wood coatings on balconies, electric shutters that omit the marquees and protect from excess sun exposure.
This intervention project in the public space is a partnership between Falanstério – architecture studio and Espaço & Desenvolvimento.